Love Life and Cupcakes!

July 02, 2016  •  Leave a Comment


Love Life and Cupcakes!


I didn’t know forty would feel this great!  Turning any age and how that makes you feel is a state of mind! Feeling good about yourself and finding that sweet humble spot where you just truly are best friends with yourself. It can be tough! Especially with society throwing so many expectations and stereotypes at us! How can any one really fit in ever?


We don’t need Captain Obvious to know we are all so uniquely designed that we are not here to fit in. We are here to merely exist with ourselves and to express love and kindness at every turn. We are here to search for what makes us happy allowing us to live in such a state that it doesn’t matter the age, it only matters the heart from which we put in to our own individual beautiful lives and what we do for others!


As a photographer, I see people putting themselves down frequently. And every time it breaks my heart! And their beauty isn’t given the opportunity to SHINE! This is one reason why it’s so important to me to have amazing great relationships with my clients! It seems that our relationship and the trust just breaks down those walls! And for a spilt moment their beauty shines through for me to capture! That is one of my favorite parts of my job!


This leads me to the reason why I decided to do this photo shoot. For one, to begin the month long celebration commemorating #turning40 and what I am calling my #GloryDays! And then also for my clients! I often ask my clients to open up and give me their soul in return for capturing the wonder of the moment with their most favorite people.  All while I get to hide behind the camera and never having to step out of my comfort zone. But that all changed a few weeks ago! I took this opportunity to be full of life and capturing it on camera!! Jordan Hefler took on the assignment with force! She took a “cake smash” idea and developed it into a full-blown pool, champagne, and cupcake party!


Something that happened which I didn’t expect is that it was cleansing to just let go and be free in front of the camera. When I saw myself I even fell even more in love with those imperfect parts I have spent years trying to hide! The photo shoot gave me permission let my beauty shine; the curves, the smiles, the bruises, the rolls, my big brown eyes, my roots and crazy hair, those surgery scares, and that gap in my teeth! I realized that turning 40 means it’s time to love all of me. When I look at these photos I feel all parts of me are perfectly made to fit with the other parts of me, creating a unique individual that loves deeply and believes in everything!


So Grateful! High five God! Thanks for making me just as I am! Sorry it took my almost 40 years to see my own beauty!


So my advice to you is simple! Love life and cupcakes because well … they are both amazing! And so are you!

XO, jenn

PS, click here to check out our birthYAY sale we have going on all month long to CELEBRATE!


Jenn Ocken 40th BirthYAYAJenn Ocken 40th BirthYAYA



Photography: Jordan Hefler

Makeup: Danielle Laurent

Swan Float: Funboy

Swimsuit: Bikini Boo

Sunglasses: Time Warp Boutique

Cupcakes: Cupcakes Allie

Ballons and Donut Drink Float: Party Time

Check out our homepage to see all of the photos!! 





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